sexta-feira, 7 de janeiro de 2011


 My brother Elias of only 26 years was super well, with the life agitated of it, working and studying normally, it had normal life, when in 9 of July of 2009 it caught one cooled very strong one, feeling migraines strong and a high fever that persisted very.
He was to the hospital where the doctor prescribed medicines with paracetamol common for one cooled, beyond antibiotics for a possible pnemonia, and thus it liberated my brother for house.
In the following day still very cooled and with the fever a little lower, it was well, in the possible measure do, spoke that it was if feeling a little better.
Until then we achavamos that common one was only one cooled, and that from the remedies that had been prescribed it it would go to improve, after all it my brother to catch until cooled was difficult, it had that to be with immunity very low exactly, therefore nor pnemonia it never had in the Good life
… in day 10 of July it woke up already if complaining of pains in the body, and with a constant fever. e spoke that it was with a very strong migraine exactly, that was not aguentando nor to speak of as much pain, and obtaining to place it in the car it had a convulsive crisis in house and the fever came back and super high, it it was with 39ºC. We take it immediately stops the hospital.
Arriving at the hospital the doctor he asked the medicines that it had taken for cooled/pnemonia, and passed an injection that according to it would be for taking off the effect of other medicines, and unhappyly as soon as my brother took this injection in the vein, had one another convulsive crisis fortissima, nor 7 people obtained to hold it to have notion… and was taken for the UTI, diagnosiss initial “pnemonia”.
In day 11 of July it was for the room, passed super the morning well. e even asked for to eat a fruit, it talked well, and still it said that he was excellent and that wanted to go even so, said this diverse times. more as it was medical order, and the doctor diagnosised pnemonia, better found to leave it plus one day in comment.

In this exactly day, the end of the afternoon, for return of one 5 hours of the afternoon. it had a mental confusion, he started to say to words all rolled ups, and started to make rancio the serum of the arm and fainted… Being led again for the UTI, we do not sabiamos that most worse he was for coming…
 In the UTI, the doctors they had made some types of examinations, they had taken off liquor of the marrow of it, for 2 or 3 times, therefore they found that suína was grippe (therefore at the time it was I occasion né), and later they had started to find that it was meninguite, and finally had been to discover the true diagnosis that was a herpetica viral encefalite, caused by the virus of herpes.
This diagnosis delayed one 4 days to be discovered. e my brother in this period did not wake up, and its state was if aggravating. no longer 3 day the doctors were worried about the vital signals of it, it were not moved, it did not wake up, and it congregated all the famlia to speak that it seemed to be about something very serious. In the 4 day viral encefalite for herpes arrived the examination of the liquor of my brother diagnosising, and had started to give aciclovir for it a little before the examination arriving, that it is a very used anti-viral to fight the virus of herpes.
More unhappyly already it was late, the virus already had taken account of the brain of it. e the illness was if aggravating still more, the signals already went falling, it had one cardiac attack, and I do not forget it panic that we enter in this day… therefore it had that to drain the brain, the lung. already all it was tubed with traqueostomia (therefore it did not obtain to breathe), at last I entered in the UTI and vi my brother all pierced know, this is a strong image that I not desire to nobody, a pain in the soul… and you feel totalmete impotent. In this exactly day the doctor spoke of the gravity of the case of my brother, and gave to one week of life it. we are without soil. we only knew to cry and to cry and to pray very… the state of it were really serious, it were in eat deep for 2 months after this day. .sem if to move in nothing, without opening nor an eye.
More thanks to God after 2 months of much fight, faith and much prayer, my brother left the UTI and was for the room, not yet moved nothing, more dedinho started opening an eye alone… later moving one, and it did not say nothing absolutely. e for was there. it was everything very slowly. to they had all been 8 high and low months of in the interned hospital, with some infections that had been surpassed, and many convulsive crises.
In the end of these 8 months of internment, it already the movements of the body retook all, more unhappyly not yet speak, do not walk, make use of diapers, it uses gastrostomia in the stomach, and its conscience oscillates very, thus finds, because in the truth we do not know what it is transferred in cabecinha of it, not yet we find a media with it, it it seems to try ace times, it moves with the mouth, plus he himself does not obtain, already we try and we are trying all the medias with Occupational Therapy, fono.More the real problem of my brother is that sequela of it was extensive, reaching about 50% of the brain, and the affected parts more were of the cognitividade (conscience and language) and of the memory, therefore it oscillates in such a way and he does not obtain to communicate itself, although terms the conscience of that it understands the things when people asks for, ace times he is alone looking at, or he is with the stopped look, others take care of to the commands, and are very smart, have an excellent motor coordination, in follow with the eyes all the moments and also already it cried for two times, what we find that it was a conscience moment that it had there, therefore went down tears of its eyes.
I see I strengthen of my brother, as much that it tries knows, more I do not obtain, I know the Elias, it well you trying, more I am bigger of what it, therefore all time who it has an improvement it comes back to have convulsive crises, last month exactly was interned per one week due to many convulsive crises in sequência. what he damages the neurons still more and he harms all the improvement of it, it always comes back the same the platform all time that has a good improvement of movements or attitudes are for simple gestures as to point the finger, it has these crises and comes back prop zero.
Already we try all anticonvulsive the possible ones, treatments and doctors here, in São Paulo, Belo Horizonte, and unhappyly nothing .controla obtained to improve these convulsive crises. ace times for an average time, type one week or some days, later return of new.
Therefore since that we are in house has about almost 8 months, that untiringly I come looking solutions to help my brother, to give to a quality of life it. Therefore since that we are in house, it always he has crises here in same house, and I and my impotent parents we have that to attend to all the crisis, therefore the doctors during the crisis if cannot make nothing, and alone to go readjusting medicines.
 seeing my brother alone getting worse with the crises, not obtaining to feed itself verbally, it makes use of gastrostomia in the stomach. It started if to feed to the few for the mouth, more as had the crises it is very unstable it every day does not obtain to have a parameter alone to eat verbally, more I have faith that still we will arrive there…
 Good after innumerable searches, I found a treatment for my brother Elias for the control of the convulsive crises, unhappyly is made alone in Argentina and we do not have money to take my brother to make this treatment… Is a trustworthy treatment, therefore I talked with a girl of called Varginha aline that already he made treatment the same and it was very good for it, in the truth I knew the doctor through it, and it already all evaluated the examinations of my brother, also comovido with our story here of my brother, therefore already I participated of others blogs, it had the humildade and the humanismo to come until evaluating my brother here, and spoke that my brother has conscience although the oscillation and this treatment can control the crises, to help the conscience of it to come back, therefore thus it would only obtain a certain independence of speaking or of walking alone, since currently it is 100% dependent. .nem to capsize in the alone bed it obtains. the brain does not order commands it. .e is confident in this treatment that stops we, is the hope to have sorisso, or a word, the steps of the Elias of new.
In next post I go to speak of the completely vocês illness to understand as a virus can massacre a life so quickly. therefore in 3 days my brother already was incommunicable.
We go in the fight and in the faith, better days will come!

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