sábado, 8 de janeiro de 2011


My brother  Elias is well, clearly in the possible measure do, to each day in she surprises them at some new fact for minor who either, this weekend, it that she is with the consequences best, still trembling caught the ball with an agility without size, believes that already it is a good start, although not to speak, not to walk, and not to obtain to communicate itself, I perceive that he oscillates very, I have moments that it sleeps for hours and others that it is waking up and trying to move more the hands, more unhappyly have much thing for improving, it need much aid, the convulsive crises they had harmed and it very, without counting great sequela….
It needs with urgency to make this treatment how much before, it is much suffering, if I to tell the good things that they are small more than for familiar we they have great value, and also to tell here the difficulties of of them the day-by-day vocês one still thus would not have idea of the dimension of everything what it passes, only same passing one day here to the side of it to have idea of the hard routine. Therefore I ask for aid again to take the Elias for Argentina how much before. They divulge! E I am also thankful all that they are divulging, also I thank the received donations already. e if God to want in this Christmas will have this joy! How God blesses to each one of vocês!
I perceive in it, that it fights to make optimum, if I strengthen, if he dedicates, exactly without if to communicate, it exactly tries that he oscillates for some minutinhos, it looks for to mutter ace times, clearly never left no untied word, plus it emits many sounds, what already it is very good for that before some did not emit sound…
 What it harmed it very was the convulsive crises, people after perceives the difference before the crises and the crises, therefore before it still wrote two perfect words in the notebook as I counted in one post previous, and after the crises it he did not try plus no communication, and he has much sleepiness due to the 3 anticonvulsive ones we fortíssimos that it takes.
Then it has days that it super is waked up, active, and has days that it on account sleeps the afternoon all of medicines.
Therefore we have as much hope and faith in this treatment in Argentina. .e we go to continue in the fight, in the force and in the faith per better days for the Elias, this boy is a warrior, and knows that my brother fights to each day to communicate itself and to improve.
I ask for the aid of all in the spreading of blog, we go to help the Elias to have this pretty smile in return! It needs this treatment with urgency!
I wait that this message, and blog of a sister and a aflita family obtains to reach the heart of each one to help my brother.
Plus one it will detail important that many people have asked, on and envoy e-mails for me. Unhappyly my brother alone will be able to travel terrestrial way, is medical orientações. e even though a precaution due the injury of it.
One more time thank you so much, and to each new step of the Elias I go to postar here. because for us each improvement of it, for smaller than either to each day, people gains the joy month all!
A Big Hug and are with God,

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