sexta-feira, 7 de janeiro de 2011


 My name is Lilian, and this blog was created to help to collect deep for the treatment of my brother Elias, who unhappyly had one sequela serious of herpética viral encefalite in the brain.
If each person will be able to help with a little, we will arrive there. I, and my parents, Sônia and Joaquin we are also trying to make our part from innumerable debts that we have ahead of the illness of it, trying to vender small things, since we do not have nothing of much value. it swims so significant to have the condition to take my brother to make the treatment in .afinal Argentina. as any family who has a sick person in house, total dependent of you, the costs alone if they raise each time, after all it needs special bed, diapers, special feeding, medicines, 3 anticonvulsive ones, at last it would not give nor to enumerate as many expenses…
 and ahead of as many difficulties we do not have financial conditions to arcar with the high cost of the treatment of it. Therefore I ask for the contribution of that they can help with what they will be able, to make this dream if to carry through, to give more quality of life to my brother elias whom in such a way it needs.
Throughout this blog I go to all explain the cycle of the illness and the current state of it. E if we without size will be able to save lives through this blog being taken all the necessary information on the illness, this we would be a joy for, so that many people never pass therefore.
Because the illness that my brother had is a rare illness, more than all we have encubada in the marrow. if low the immunity for some thing, mainly stress, that she is one of the causes of the virus of herpes, or for factors of same health, this can cause very serious injuries, taking the virus of herpes for the brain as it is the case of my brother.
This blog also is for also divulging the illness, after all is a rare, sad and very serious illness and really needs to be divulged to save lives.
After all we are not nothing ahead of the mysteries of the life, therefore we need to contribute to help superficial, empty and banal those that as much they need, leaving of side objective. E having the humildade to recognize that it lacks conscience, humanity, and solidarity of looking at it side and to be capable to love the next one, to extend the hand, either known it or not, we have that to work more this in we ourselves. If to place per one minute in the place of the next one, that one that is suffering in some hospital, or still that one that nothing has to eat, as many people that also they need ace times an affection, a word friend.
They are small things that can transform the life of many people.
I am thankful here since already, to each person who to enter or to have access this blog and I ask for that they divulge the maximum that will be able, and in it helps them in this campaign in the fight for a life, that was massacreed quickly by a virus.
I want to thank to the God for the force and light in our lives at these difficult moments, for mainly giving force for my parents: Sônia and Joaquin that suffer very, more never leave to believe optimum, the recovery of my brother, are always trying to motivate my brother, giving much affection and a thus unconditional love. they are my examples of force, faith and humanismo.
It is complicated even of saying on all pain that we feel, all our fight, because no matter how hard I speak here, it is very difficult to transmit through words all the mixture of feelings and emotions that we pass so far….
Because who only passes therefore that really it knows the difficulties of day-by-day, the routines and the constant fight. The family is a pain for the all, therefore we have a part of the Elias ...
It is here more at the same time is distant, and this is most overwhelming knows, not to know what it is transferred in the head of it, what it is thinking and if to also worry about the psychological state of it.
I also want to thank the familiar friends and for the support and incentive in this campaign that is to bring a little of quality of life, or would say a new life to the Elias.

My Lisley sister, my nephews Matheus and elena (that she arrived at the world stops in fulling them of joy in a so difficult period).
To my brother-in-law Renato that was a bridge between us and the Aline, that is the girl who I knew that he made so dreamed treatment that my brother in such a way needs, an example of faith and overcoming.
To the angels who God places in our lives, the Aline one more time, which I cited above that she was the girl who I knew that also sequelas had 3 serious, I am a warlike fighter and, I must it very, for knowing the doctor that my brother will go to make the treatment in Argentina, therefore I was through it that I knew the treatment. By the way after this treatment, the Aline already is giving to the first steps route its independence of new, is a force, faith woman and that it never left to believe its dreams.
To all the professionals who take care of of the Elias with as much affection, and that they had become part of our family. doctors as the Dra.Fernanda, that is a humanismo, love example the profession, of claw, a person that we admire more to each day. thanks a lot of heart to this example that would also have to be followed by many…
 our gratefulness to all medical team of Varginha, Dr.Matheus, Dr.Otacilio, Dr.Marcus Vinicius in the part most critical of the illness of the Elias, with the cares with it, and with the devotion and availability in in helping them.
To the Dr.Italo for the words of motivation, of force and hope for the Elias, always made use also in helping them, always trying to find ways to improve the conditions of the Elias, even though in the part of communication of it with the external way. Same E without getting answers, never leaving to believe of that one day will be able to get them.
To the doctors of the hospital Matter Dei of Belo Horizonte who had taken care of of the Elias. The team of the Dr. Anselmo, Dra.Juliana, Dra.Rosalina, to nurses of Block 5, that they had been changedded into our family during the months that the Elias was interned, always livening up there, and creating ways to motivate the Elias.A I lived today that a friend became, for the affection with the Elias until through messages and notice. They are many people, and I ask for to excuses if I to forget somebody here, because it is much people that were during these 8 months of internment of the Elias together with we.
To the physiotherapists the Jucenira and the Genner that place the Elias for top, always believing optimum, also searching optimum to take care of to the Elias, also humanismo examples. To the nurses Sidney and Ely for the cares with the Elias that are basic also in the recovery of it.
The Patrician fonoaudióloga Schneider who also is an example of human being, always bringing words of affection and motivation to the Elias, never leaving to believe the improvement of it, and searching always to innovate to get answers.
At last they are many people to be thankful, those that I did not cite, are felt hugged by all here we. Vocês is special in our lives! Debtor of heart!
A great kiss and is with God,

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